Wednesday, May 21, 2008

in the name of tragedy

crying is healthy. we all know that. sometimes, there are certain conditions wherein we can't find the remedy from hugs and taps on the shoulder alone.

due to an identifiable force that screws me every 28th of the month, i get to have serene moments, although most of them are merely products of great misfortune-- blessings in disguise!

these past few days, i was trying to look at myself from a different perspective. if only i could detach from my body, then i could have taken that as a great escape. as i become closer to dissecting my innermost mantle of being, i felt as if my life was rocked by disasters that knocked my knees down and left me dead sick. well, at least they were not as hard as hell, that i wouldn't be able to stand up anymore.

songs do help ease anyone's burden. having that tiny round speakers on your lobes is unbelievably therapeutic! it's just that in my case, it is almost transcendental, that whenever i travel between far-off places, i only get to have my senses back when it's almost time to alight, or when i'm already blocks away from where i should go (thanks for having extremely powerful leg muscles).

whenever i listen, i do it from my heart. whenever i sing, my body dances in exhilaration.. and whenever i cry, i bleed as if no man has ever experienced any pain before.

i just don't know how to fix myself now.

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