Saturday, April 21, 2007

"punk cakes" in the morning: good with some play

nothing beats hot pancakes for breakfast! much better when you eat them with bare hands. up one goes and slides down in a saucer of slowly-melting butter, heading for a shower of sugar sprinkles and a tub of milk creamer. yummy!

no one stops you from laying your artistic hands on them...

a) 2pcs; 1 tiny pack of butter; an unlimited supply of maple syrup, you can even play with it or take some in a small plastic tube
--> costs P35 at McDonald's + P20 reg drinks

b) number depends on how starving you are; XX number of 225g butter from your kitchen; maple syrup taken home from McDo, sugar, milk creamer
--> maya hotcake mix: P28 (mother allots for gas, butter, sugar and milk)

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