Thursday, March 27, 2008

Perth on Dead Poets Society

found this on Dead Poets Society's page on

Perth: "Back when you are young, you never really stopped to think what in the world you were doing with your life. You simply lived for the day, hoped your grades would be enough to pass, and that's it. Long term thinking involved maybe flirting with someone you fancy, nothing more.

What this film showed me was that we have the responsibility and the joy of being alive in this planet. That we only have precious little time to make a difference. That we have a moral obligation to "seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary". That the world, basically is ours. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and that we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. That living in this world is a beautiful responsibility, and that only cowards dare not to change it for the better."

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