i was promenading through an aisle walled with bounty cards in a nearby bookstore, looking for something to give my cousins and grandma offshore, when something caught my attention and stole my senses; then i began falling into a deep trance.
"You are a lover of words...
One day you will write a book.
People turn to you because you give voices to dreams, notice little things, and make otherwise impossible imaginings appear real.
You are a rare bird who thinks the world is beautiful enough to try to figure it out, who has the courage to dive into your wild mind and go swimming there.
You are someone who still believes in cloud watching, people watching, daydreaming, tomorrow, favorite colors, silver clouds, dandelions, and sorrow.
Be sacred.
Be cool.
Be wild.
Go far.
Words do more than plant miracle seeds.
With you writing them, they can change the world."
i guess this gives a writer the recognition, more than what the Ramon Magsaysay and Palanca Awards can do.
only words can equal the greatness of another.
bullets on my brain:
- a writer writes with all the purity and perfection of the craft, even though nobody reads him.
- it takes real wisdom to understand poetry.
- it's seldom that writers find great thinkers with whom they can share their thoughts. the magic is within their circle and those who can hang on the edges of their fancies.
- people are used to despising things they do not know or that which they fail to understand.
- the sweetest marriage is that which occurs between the writer and his pen - the union of the spiritual and the real; the flight of senses; the perfect harmony of words, rhythm, and sound.
- words don’t always come easy.
- having that tiny cursor religiously blinking against a virtual sheet of paper for quite a long while is a scenario which is common to most writers and writer-wannabes.
- "as a writer, you have to grow accustomed to rejection slips and to working in solitude"-blissful begonia
- "a writer is like a boxer in that he must stand alone; when his work is published, his talent is held out there for everyone to see."-Josh Hartnett as Eric Kernan; Resurrecting the Champ
- writing is not just a passion; it's a part of one's being.
(*thanks to blissful begonia for the picture and her beautiful quote)