my first encounter with the book was when it was asked during the first round on the digital LG quiz show [way back in 2003] where i was so dumb not to know the answer. hell it was for "50pts" and i lost it in just one minute! after that brain twisting event, i promised myself to be more knowledgeable especially on simple facts and at least to know a little of everything.
did i make it? of course not... er... not that quick... and.. no! sort of. well, i'm still on the process. one never gets to know everything. it would be hard to inject an almanac and an encyclopedia in his brain! but at least we should try to move away from stupidity, right? love it while we learn but need not to be pushy.
yes, and after four years i decided to be acquainted with classic books and other valuable reading materials. read. read. read. that, i think, was one of the best pieces of advice sir.esguerra gave us.

you will use all of those stuffs you read when you write, talk, or even think. and i believe that would be great instead of wasting time having a date with the black devil box (tv, of course)!
and here it is... i bought it one time after payday. it was the start of the second half of the semester. i was so busy slicing my time off for schooling -->press a little rest<-- and work. i can't imagine how i did that... and i will still be doing that for the next acad.year. still have no plans for pull back. so there. what do i want to say? i failed to finish it with one seating. it took me almost three months to see the period of the story. it touched me so much. i have this intense fascination with children [i remember the perverse murder of jonbenet ramsey. oh how i love the child!].
the stories shared by the precious little prince were stories of life. he was life himself. the little prince is an unending story.
and now i don't know how to end this...